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Serving Our Military | On the Carousel

Military Logo
It's time we serve you
If you're in the armed services, Carousel is tailored
perfectly to the way you live.
Exclusively for our
service men and women
Never lose out even if you're on deployment. Suspend your membership whenever you're away and reinstate it upon return without any loss of time on your membership.
Military Family
Exclusively for our
service men and women
Never lose out even if you're on deployment. Suspend your membership whenever you're away and reinstate it upon return without any loss of time on your membership.
Car Service - Carousel
Never worry about your vehicle, even on deployment, since we do all the warranty maintenance.
Car Service - Carousel
Never worry about your vehicle, even on deployment, since we do all the warranty maintenance.
Moved up a pay grade and want to upgrade your vehicle? Now you can switch your vehicle for another without having to sell a car or terminate an auto lease.
Happy Family
Moved up a pay grade and want to upgrade your vehicle? Now you can switch your vehicle for another without having to sell a car or terminate an auto lease.
Proudly serving America's service men and women
Carousel fits how you want to drive.
We started Carousel for people like you, those who enjoy the freedom and convienience of variety without any of the long-term commitment. It's designed around how and what you want to drive. All it takes are a couple of simple steps.
Carousel - How it Works
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